The First Grooming Pics

I had my first grooming a few days ago and I must say that I had a lot of hair on the floor when we were done. My loctician cut most from the top of my hair and really didn't mess with the ends too much. I kind of miss the "puffiness" of my hair. I do like that I can finally get my locks in a ponytail now.
I know we (Sisterlock wearers) often get questions about our hair. Today, I got the best one yet. Well, it wasn't necessarily the question but the response after I answered the question "Can I touch it?" Of course I said yes because I wanted her to see and feel the true essence of Sisterlocks! Well sister girl could not take her hands out of the hair and was instantly hooked. So I guess we'll be getting a new addition to our family soon:-) I knew it was an addiction!
Going through Withdrawals
Well, my supervisor just informed me that access to the internet is about to be revoked at the end of this week. What is a Sistah supposed to do now?!?! She said since our jobs do not require a lot of internet involvement I shouldn't be so saddened by the news. She even said I could use her computer since managers get to keep their access. I guess I'll be in her office reading and posting on Sisterlock blogs:-) She just doesn't understand...I just started this blog thing and I'm already addicted. Maybe they'll add that addiction to the list of diseases we treat at the agency. My primary drug of choice: Sisterlock blogging!
The FIRST grooming
Today is the day I go for my first grooming. I have been wearing my Sisterlocks for almost 2 years and have not had them groomed yet. How could I go so long?!?! I am so excited because all the strays will be cut and the ends will be trimmed. My loctician told me that the front of my hair with the straight ends will probably never lock up so we'll have to cut them.
30th Birthday Dinner

What happened to the 20's. I'm grown for real now! Time surely does fly. This is from my 30th birthday dinner. Shout out to all my Piscean brothers and sisters. I've been wearing my locks for a year and a half. This has been one of the best experiences. I love it when people are in a state of awe when I tell them that it is ALL real!!! That is what Sisterlocks are about....your real and natural hair:-)