Saturday I decided to hang out at the Sweet Auburn Festival in Atlanta. There was no way I was about to walk down Auburn Ave without visiting the site of the late Mrs. Coretta Scott King. I've driven past her site several times since her passing but never stopped to pay tribute. I also stopped by to see the Civil Rights Walk of Fame and saw the footprints of the late Rosa Parks and other great icons. Where would we be right now without these two remarkable women? Would I be allowed to express myself and wear my Sisterlocks? Thank you Mrs. King and Mrs. Parks for making a difference!!! I know the both of you are in Heaven dancing with the Lord...kiss my mommy for me.

After reading several blogs and seeing so many styles I decided it was time for me to do something a little different. I never really styled my own hair so this was an experience I was looking forward to. Sooooo, I decided to do the bantu knots the other night to see what the "do" would look like in the morning. I liked it but after sleeping on it I was back to freestyling. I spritzed my locs with water and was on a roll with the knots. Well, so much for something looks the same except for a little curl on the end.

This is how it all began. We had just met in Summer '03 in our Master's program. We instantly bonded and became good friends. I would just stare at her hair and imagine me rocking that same style. I was rocking the straight and layered look. I loved my hair in that particular style but it was too much to manage...especially in Hotlanta. On the hot and humid days it would just curl up and look like a big puff ball. So as time progressed I finally decided that I had to make a change to my hair. I was tired of being a slave to the pressing comb! I decided to get the Sisterlocks! So at the end of July 2004 I went for two consultations and in August it was a done deal. It was one of the best decisions I could have ever made and I owe it all to my friend, LaMonica. Girl, you wear them well and you are my Sisterlock Idol!