It's been 12 Years since I graduated from high school (this is my senior pic). The times have really changed and it's only been 1 decade. What do we have in store for the next decade? As I take my daily commute to work every morning I notice how the young people have changed since my day. I just want to reach out to them and let them know that there is more to life than drugs and sex. Have you all noticed how many young girls are getting pregnant and using drugs these days. The rate of young African-American women with HIV is getting younger and younger. What is happening to our people? Are we about to become extinct? I know I can't save the world but I can have an impact on some young girl's life before it's too late. What are the parents doing? OH, I forgot that most of them are still trying to hang out and get their party on also.
If I see one more child walking to school in a T-shirt and shorts when it is only 50 degrees outside I'm going to scream. If I see one more pregnant girl waiting for the JUNIOR HIGH school bus to pick her up I going to scream. If I see another young person walking AWAY from the school during school hours I'm going to scream. If I hear about another Columbine plan I'm going to scream.
Anyway, enough of my venting....